Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Group Plan

Group Plan for E634

Program Design (18 pts) – Due February 25, comment by March 4th 6-10 pages
AssignmentPerson ResponsibleDue Date
Group LeaderElizabethn/a
Meeting to determine the specifics of our program and identify main points from the literature and practical programsEveryone1/31 @ 6pm
Write Introduction (1/2 page)Crystal/Everyone2/14
Write Rational – Ideas from the literature (2-3 pages)Elizabeth2/14
Write Rational – Ideas from the practical program (2-3 pages)Ezohn 2/14
Write Program (2-3 pages)Tashianna2/14
Write Reflection (1/2 page)Crystal/Everyone2/14
Complete Table 2 and 3Elizabeth T-2 Tashianna T-32/14
Compile into one paper and check over grammar/APACrystal2/16
Review Paper and send comments/editsEveryone2/21
Submit paper to Blackboard and post on blogElizabeth2/25
Comment on other groupsEveryone3/4
Program Evaluation (12 pts) – Due March 18, comment by March 25. 3 pages
AssignmentPerson ResponsibleDue Date
Group Leader
Gets the evaluation together and makes sure evaluators follow up
Also ensures everyone stays on top of their written, and paper is properly put together
Meeting to determine what the evaluation document should contain and which professionals to askEveryone2/25 @ 3pm
Create evaluation form and email askCrystal - email // all - eval2/26
Everyone review evaluation formEveryone2/25
Send out evaluation form (ask for response by 3/2)Crystal2/26
Write students’ responses (each person writes ½ page, final section 2 pages)Everyone3/4
Everyone write responses to group reflection (about 1 paragraph)Everyone3/4
Compile individual group reflection into one response (should be about ½-1 page)Elizabeth 3/7
Complete Table 4Tashianna3/10
Compile into one paper and check over grammar/APACrystal3/11
Review Paper and send comments/editsEveryone3/14
Submit paper to Blackboard and post on blogCrystal3/18
Comment on other groupsEveryone3/25
Final Demonstration (16 pts) – Due April 8, comment by April 15. 6-10 pages
AssignmentPerson ResponsibleDue Date
Group LeaderEzohn/Tashianna
Group meeting to determine how to do the demonstrationEveryone3/18 @ 3pm
(VIDEO 1): Answer the five questions under Video 1 assignment and send to EzohnEveryone3/18
(VIDEO 1): Combine responses into one cohesive version and record Video 1: ReflectionEzohn3/25
(VIDEO 2): Create video; answer questions from assignment based off of Group MeetingEzohn4/1
(Demonstration): Create 1 visual aid for demonstrationElizabeth4/4
(Demonstration): Organize and execute multi-media demonstration incorporating visual aids and group suggestionsEzohn // Everyone4/4
Review videos/demonstration and send commentsEveryone4/6
Submit and post on blogEzohn 4/8
Comment on other groupsEveryone4/15

1 comment:

  1. I like how you organized your group plan - it really seems like you have an end goal and everyone understands their role.


Group Plan

Group Plan for E634 Program Design (18 pts) – Due February 25, comment by March 4th 6-10 pages Assignment Person Responsible Due Da...